Oct 24 – 26, 2016
UPMC - Campus des Cordeliers, Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Lasers will play a key role in the development of future particle accelerators by increasing the achievable acceleration gradient significantly, thereby reducing the size and costs of the facility. This LA³NET Topical Workshop is focussed on techniques using lasers for particle acceleration. The workshop will cover the science and technology of novel acceleration schemes for ion and electron beams including:

  • Laser-driven wakefield acceleration
  • Dielectric laser acceleration
  • Beam-driven wakefield acceleration
  • Scientific, medical and industrial applications

Each topic area will consist of invited and contributed talks of 30 minutes duration. All participants in the workshop are invited to use the 'Submit a new abstract' link to upload their abstracts. There will also be a dedicated session to discuss future funding opportunities in view of joining all the above areas.

Registration deadline 18th September 2016.

Abstract submission deadline 18th September 2016.

This event will be sponsored by  LA³NET and Laser Quantum. 

LA³NET is a European network that joins more than 30 partner organizations including universities, research centres and private companies. In addition to training targeting the network’s Fellows, LA³NET is also providing a series of Topical Workshops for the wider scientific community. For more information please visit the project website.

Laser Quantum is a world-class manufacturer of revolutionary solid-state and ultrafast lasers. Our products lead the industry in performance specifications, reliability, compactness and operational lifetime. You will find Laser Quantum lasers used in laboratories and integrated in systems and machines worldwide. Our lasers are helping scientists to break new ground in many applications ranging from attosecond physics to forensics and genomics. Visit http://www.laserquantum.com/ for more information.

LA³NET has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 289191. 



UPMC - Campus des Cordeliers, Paris
Salle Augusta Déjerine
15, rue de l'école de médecine 75006 Paris France

The cost for attending the workshop is € 250,- . Fees will include a reception, workshop dinner and coffee breaks.

Deadline for registration and payment is 18th September 2016.

Please book your hotel individually. More information about accommodation can be found here.