Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Novel Accelerators Workshop

from Sunday 23 October 2016 (18:00) to Wednesday 26 October 2016 (16:00)
UPMC - Campus des Cordeliers, Paris (Salle Augusta Déjerine)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Oct 2016
24 Oct 2016
25 Oct 2016
26 Oct 2016
08:30 --- Registration ---
09:00 Laser Wakefield Accelerators Simulation - Welcome and 'Overcoming the challenges in novel accelerators' - Carsten Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
09:30 High Repetition Rate Laser-driven Proton / Ion Sources - Luis Roso (CLPU)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
10:00 Generation of high charge electron beams by ionization injection - Jurjen Couperus   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Laser Wakefield Accelerators Experiment - Improvement of Electron Injection into the Plasma Channel - Cedric Thaury (CNRS)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
11:30 EuPRAXIA and SINBAD facilities - Paul Andreas Walker (DESY)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
09:00 Dielectric Laser Accelerators - Optimization of Dielectric Gratings Structures - Prof. Carsten Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
09:15 The ACHIP program and results on dielectric laser acceleration of non-relativistic electrons - Dr Joshua McNeur   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
09:45 Possible Applications of Dielectric Structures with Transverse Acceleration - Dr Rasmus Ischebeck (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
10:10 Design of the interaction chamber for ACHIP at PSI - Eugenio Ferrari (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Manipulation of relativistic beams with laser-driven THz - Steven Patrick Jamison (STFC)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
11:30 Design of a Dielectric-Lined Waveguide for Terahertz-Driven Linear Electron Acceleration - Alisa Healy (Cockcroft Institute)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
11:45 Designing tunable dielectric lined structures for wakefield applications - Thomas Pacey (Cockcroft Institute/University of Manchester)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
09:30 Beam-driven Wakefield Accelerators - Weak Blow-out Regime Driven Resonantly by a Train of Short Electron Bunches - Massimo Ferrario (INFN-LNF)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
10:00 Novel high brightness sources of high energy particle beams and radiation - Dr Grace G. Manahan   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Development of Enhanced Models of the Beam-Plasma Interaction - Dr Jonathan Smith (Tech-X UK Ltd)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
11:30 AXSIS: progress towards a THz-driven, attosecond light source - Nicholas Matlis (DESY)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
18:00 --- Reception ---
12:00 Next Generation of Software for simulating Laser- and Beam-driven Acceleration - Dr Michael Bussmann (HZDR)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
14:00 Laser Wakefield Accelerators Applications - Laser-engineered surfaces for accelerator applications - Allan Gillespie (Unversity of Dundee, Scotland, UK)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
14:30 Laser Accelerators for Biomedical Applications - Luis Roso (CLPU)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
15:00 Commissioning of the Laser Laboratory for Acceleration and Applications - Prof. Benlliure Anaya Jose (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Laser Wakefield Accelerators Diagnostics - Development of diagnostics for PW and multi-PW lasers - Jaroslav Moravec (FOTON, s.r.o.)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
16:30 Turnkey Control System for Novel Accelerators - Samo Tuma   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
17:00 Plasma-based techniques for wakefield/Radio frequency driven FEL - Roxana Tarkeshian (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
17:30 Developments of optical systems for X/gamma ray Compton machines at LAL - Kevin Dupraz (CNRS / LAL)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
20:00 --- Dinner & Cruise: Le Calife ---
12:00 Ion acceleration in nanosstructured targets - CAMILO RUIZ MÉNDEZ   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
NOVA R&D plans (until 15:30) (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 AWAKE - Overview of the AWAKE experiment at CERN - Mikhail Martyanov (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
16:30 Beam Diagnostics Challenges in AWAKE - Ralph Fiorito (Cockcroft Institute)   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
17:00 OTR Measurements in AWAKE - Karl Rieger (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
17:30 Diagnostic of coherent transition radiation for measuring micro-bunch formation in AWAKE - Dr Braunmueller Falk   (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
Discussion Session - Magdalena Klimontowska (University of Liverpool) (until 12:30) (Salle Augusta Déjerine)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---