25–30 Sept 2016
iHotel Conference Center
US/Central timezone

The PULSTAR systematic studies test apparatus for the SNS nEDM experiment

27 Sept 2016, 15:45


H. Targets Targets


Kent Leung (North Carolina State University)


In the Spallation Neutron Source based neutron Electric Dipole Moment (SNS nEDM)
experiment, spins of polarized ultracold neutrons and polarized 3He will be manipulated in
a 0.3 - 0.5 K superfluid 4He bath. Measurements will be made using two different modes:
free precession and critical dressed spin. In the former, both spin species undergo a π/2
flip and then precess at their Larmor frequency in a B0 ∼ 30 mG field. In the latter, after
a π/2 flip, a large off-resonance RF-field is used to make the two species have the same
effective precession frequency. The PULSTAR test apparatus will investigate the techniques
required to perform these operations experimentally using a full-sized measurement
cell without an electric field, and using neutrons from the NC State PULSTAR ultracold
neutron source. This apparatus allows significantly shorter cooling and turn-around times
than the full-size SNS nEDM experiment. Other planned investigations using this apparatus
include: the difference in motion between the 3He and neutron in superfluid helium that
can cause a false EDM signal, and the pseudo-magnetic field caused by the spin-dependent
difference of the n-3He scattering length. The apparatus is currently under construction
with commissioning beginning towards the end of this year.

Presentation materials