Beams: Parallel I
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University)
Beams: Parallel II
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University)
Beams: Parallel III
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University)
Beams: Parallel IV
- Wolfram Fischer (BNL)
Beams: Parallel V
- Wolfram Fischer (BNL)
Beams: Parallel VI
- Wolfram Fischer (BNL)
Accelerator, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Currently, Brookhaven AGS (Alternative Gradient Synchrotron) provides 70% proton polarization with 2 × 1011 intensity. This is achieved by two partial snakes to overcome vertical intrinsic and imperfection resonances and a pair of horizontal tune jump system to overcome the week but many horizontal intrinsic resonances. Further gain was achieved by maintain smaller transverse emittance with...
Spin tilt, about 16 and 9 degrees from vertical, in respectivley RHIC Blue and Yellow rings, has been observed during 255 GeV polarized proton RHIC run 13, at the p-carbon polarimeters, about 70 m away from IP12. A possible origin of this y-normal tilt is in a spin rotation angle defect at one of, or both, RHIC helical snakes. This possible cause has been investigated by scanning the rotation...
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has provided polarized proton-proton collisions to
experiments for the past decade with beam polarizations of P=55% at beam energies of up to 255 GeV.
The polarization of the proton beams is measured through spin dependent elastic scattering off a
polarized hydrogen jet target and similarly monitored with Carbon fiber targets several times
The RHIC Run16 included 5 weeks of d-Au Energy Scan. We employed the Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Gas Jet Target (HJET, the absolute polarimeter for RHIC pp program) to measure elastic scattering of polarized protons on deuterium and Gold nuclei at four energies: 10 GeV, 19 GeV, 31 GeV, and 100 GeV. The measurements were performed in parallel with the main RHIC program. Analyzing power, as a...
The COOler SYnchrotron is at the forefront of precise spin dynamics. The facility can accelerate polarized protons at up to 3.7 GeV/c. Numerous specialized devices such as electron coolers, a stochastic cooler and more recently a superconducting solenoidal snake make this accelerator complex unique. As new opportunities and challenges come into perspective of the facility, it calls in...
The construction of the PAX installation was inspired by the idea to make a beam of polarized antiprotons available for future experiments with stored antiproton beams. A spin filtering experiment with internal polarized proton storage cell target was realized using the PAX low-beta installation at COSY. The results of this measurement are in perfect agreement with the FILTEX experiment. Spin...
The PEPPo (Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons) experiment at Jefferson Lab (Jlab) investigated a new approach of developing polarized positron source. The PEPPo concept relies on the production of polarized e-/e+ pairs from the bremsstrahlung radiation of a longitudinally polarized electron beam interacting within a high Z conversion target....
An Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is proposed as the first lepton- hadron collider in the world with both beams polarized. The envisioned nuclear physics program requires high polarizations, long polarization lifetimes, and unprecedented capabilities of polarization control in both collider rings. The electron polarization must be longitudinal at the interaction points while the light ion...
An electron-ion collider is being considered as a next large facility for nuclear physics studies in United States. Using polarized beams of electrons, protons, and, possibly, light ions is an essential requirement for this collider. eRHIC, the electron ion collider designed in BNL, takes a big advantage of using existing world-class polarized proton facility RHIC. The polarized electron beam...
We have developed a circular electron accelerator that is free of intrinsic resonances. This lattice
could be placed in the existing RHIC tunnel and accelerate electrons from 100 MeV to 20 GeV avoiding all major polarization loss usual in such machines.
Preparation of the research program at the Nuclotron and the future NICA collider facility is carried out during the last years. The problems of design, construction and tests of new polarized ion source (protons and deuterons), reconstruction of a front end part of the existing linac LU-20, preparation of polarimeters these are current works have been performed within the last few months. In...
Authors: R. Talman, Cornell University; J. Grames, R. Kazimi, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory; B. Roberts, University of New Mexico
It is explained how the CEBAF 123 MeV injection line can serve as one big Stern-Gerlach (S-G) polarimeter measuring the polarization state of the injected beam. No physical changes to the line are required and (though not optimal)...
In principle, resonant cavities can be excited by magnetic moments of a polarized beam, thus allowing to determine the beam’s polarization by measuring the amplitude of the resonating cavity’s fields. The steady state field amplitude can be determined by calculating the energy transferred from the beam to the resonator’s fields. Analytic formulas for different cavity modes are obtained by...
Searches for permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) bear the potential to reveal physics beyond the Standard Model. The JEDI (Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigation) collaboration explores the prospects for measurements of charged nuclei, i.e. proton, deuteron and Helium-3 EDMs in dedicated storage rings. As an intermediate step, a first direct measurement of the deuteron EDM is planned...
The JEDI (Jülich Electric Dipole Investigations) Collaboration aims for measuring the electric dipole moments (EDMs) of charged particles (deuterons and protons) at the COoler SYnchrotron (COSY). To make this possible, a new, high precision novel waveguide RF Wien filter is planned to be integrated in COSY to modulate the spin of deuterons and protons. With a Wien filter, the force of the...
The observation of an electric dipole moment (EDM) or its upper limit at levels near
10‒29 e cm would either uncover new forms of CP violation or put at risk many models that seek
to explain the excess of matter over anti-matter in the present universe. This talk presents new
results on studies of the feasibility of conducting an EDM search using a polarized deuteron beam
circulating in a...
Permanent electric dipole moments (EDM) in elementary particles would violate CP-symmetry. The JEDI (J¨ulich
Electric Dipole moment Investigations) collaboration will measure the EDM of charged hadrons using a storage ring.
To keep the spin oscillation in phase with an external frequency, which is a requirement for EDM measurements in
magnetic storage rings, an active feedback system was...
Transversely polarized e+/e- beams for precision energy calibration and (possi-bly) longitudinally polarized colliding e+/e- beams are critical topics for CEPC operation at lower energy ranges (Z pole and possibly WW threshold). A preliminary study of these aspects is first presented. Then, some Monte Carlo simulation results of a model ring lattice with relevant parameters will also be reported.