25–30 Sept 2016
iHotel Conference Center
US/Central timezone



26 Sept 2016, 11:05
Illinois Ballroom C

Illinois Ballroom C


Beams: Parallel I

  • Edward Stephenson (Indiana University)

Beams: Parallel II

  • Edward Stephenson (Indiana University)

Beams: Parallel III

  • Edward Stephenson (Indiana University)

Beams: Parallel IV

  • Wolfram Fischer (BNL)

Beams: Parallel V

  • Wolfram Fischer (BNL)

Beams: Parallel VI

  • Wolfram Fischer (BNL)


Accelerator, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ivan Koop (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
26/09/2016, 15:45
G. Beams
Kiel Hock (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
27/09/2016, 09:00
G. Beams
Timothy Gay (University of Nebraska)
27/09/2016, 09:50
G. Beams
Eremey Valetov (Michigan State University)
27/09/2016, 11:30
G. Beams
Building timetable...