Applications: Parallel VI
- Caroline Kathrin Riedl (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
Application of Nuclear Polarization Techniques to Other Fields
The large-area planar Drift Chamber 5 (DC05) was constructed in 2014 and 2015 at the University of Illinois and Old Dominion University to replace an aging detector in COMPASS at CERN. It was assembled at CERN and installed to the large angle spectrometer of COMPASS during the spring of 2015. It has a sense-wire to sense-wire pitch of 8 mm, an active area of approximately 249x209 cm2, and an...
An exploratory phase to evaluate performances of COMPASS-II data processing using Blue Waters was granted from May 2016 through November 2016. The evaluation of COMPASS software and data transfer rates between CERN and Blue Waters is currently in full swing at Blue Waters and is extremely promising. A suitable data production model must be continuously improved to meet the expectations of raw...
The sPHENIX detector is a proposed new detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The sPHENIX physics program focuses on jets and hard probes of the quark gluon plasma (QGP). The sPHENIX detector will also have the ability to study jets in polarized proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions and could also serve as part of a detector for an electron ion collider. The proposed...
We try to classify the spectrum of the two-qubit Dicke model by calculating two quantum information measures of its eigenstates: the Wootters concurrence and the mutual quantum information. We are able to detect four spectral sets in each parity subspace of the model, which may attest to the existence of a symmetry or partial symmetry in the model. One of these sets is regular and given by the...