Helicity & Lattice joint: Parallel I
- Kehfei Liu (University of Kentucky)
We present the first lattice-QCD calculation of the isovector polarized parton distribution functions (both helicity and transversity) using the large momentum effective field theory (LaMET) approach for direct Bjorken-x dependence. We first review the detailed steps of the procedure in the unpolarized
case, then generalize to the helicity and transversity cases. We also derive a new...
We report the status of our lattice QCD calculation of the quark flavor decomposition of the proton spin. The quark spin calculation is recently carried out from the anomalous Ward identity (AWI) with chiral fermions and is found to be small mainly due to the large negative pseudoscalar coupling in the AWI which may help to solve the proton spin crisis. We also report a scheme of constructing...
I shall report on the glue-momentum fraction in the proton, based on the covariant decomposition, and the necessary perturbative calculation to convert them from the lattice regularization to MS-bar scheme at 2 GeV. The strategy of the lattice simulation for the spin decomposition based on Xiang-Song Chens scheme, and the preliminary result of the glue spin component, will also be reported.