This is the first edition of a workshop between the LHCb collaboration and the theory community in the sector of Heavy Ions and Fixed Target physics.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the results from LHCb and identify relevant measurements to be done with the LHCb detector in the near- and long-term future.
The meeting will be arranged in four sessions, roughly half a day each
All interested theorists are welcome to participate, and are encouraged to register at the workshop INDICO page (there is no registration fee). For general matters, please contact the organising committee: Giacomo Graziani, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Laure Massacrier, Ralf Rapp, Vincenzo Vagnoni, Urs Wiedemann (email all). Unfortunately, to allow informal discussion, we must restrict the participation to exclude members of competing experiments.
The workshop will start on Monday 9 January at 9:00 and will end on Tuesday 10 January in the late afternoon.
Participants should arrange their own accommodation (e.g. at the CERN hostel). For any administrative matter (e.g. concerning external access to CERN), please contact the LHCb Secretariat.