Nov 16 – 18, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
This working meeting aims to make progress on a realistic implementation of the first proposal for a Les Houches Analysis Description Accord (LHADA). LHADA is intended as a format capable of describing the contents of an LHC analysis in a standard and unambiguous way. The motivation for LHADA and an initial proposal can be found in the Les Houches PhysTeV 2015 workshop proceedings sections 16 and 17 respectively: In this working meeting, we will: -- implement one or more example LHC analyses in currently proposed LHADA format to test LHADAs feasibility -- work on writing a generic parser to read the proposed LHADA format and link the information to any analysis framework Additionally, a common discussion with members of the CERN Analysis Preservation Support Group will take place. Vidyo connection will be available. A twiki page dedicated to proposed LHADA format development can be found at The outcomes of this meeting will be presented during the upcoming reinterpretation forum meeting: for details. For information relative to housing, access to CERN for those not holding a CERN card and laptop registration, please check
Registration for this event is currently open.