Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

18–22 Jun 2017
Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel
Europe/London timezone


19 Jun 2017, 11:30
Preston (Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel)


Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel

Oral Pulsed Power Physics and Technology, Components and HV Insulation Oral session 1 - High-Energy Density Storage, Opening and Closing Switches - Session Chair : Jiande Zhang


Susan Heidger (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)


A 50 kV solid-state switch has been developed using ThinpakTM Current Controlled SolidTRON® (CCS) thyristors from Silicon Power Corporation. A switch comprises thirty-six, series-connected thyristors and an internally powered, optically initiated trigger circuit. The trigger circuit drives the common primary winding of sixteen trigger transformer; each transformer has two output windings coupled to a pair of thyristor gates. This triggering arrangement provides simultaneous switching of all 36 thyristors. Because the only control signal is optical, these modules can be series-connected to switch higher voltages or floated to provide switching for Marx generators. Single switch modules have been operated at pulse widths from 300 ns up to 7 µs and pulsed currents from 250 A up to 2500 A with risetimes < 50 ns. The switching delay is approximately 100 ns with a pulse to pulse jitter of < 1.5 ns. This performance is achievable down to applied voltages as low as 2 kV. Testing at higher current is ongoing with a performance objective of 10 kA in a 300 ns pulse. A number of applications of these solid-state switch modules will be presented.

Primary author

Susan Heidger (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)


Mr Mark Kostora (Leidos, Inc.) Mr Al Lerma (Leidos, Inc.) Mr Ellis Loree (Loree Engineering) Dr Jerald Parker (Leidos, Inc.)

Presentation materials

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