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18–22 Jun 2017
Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel
Europe/London timezone

Skin-parameter of massive conductors and transients in electrical circuits of pulse power facilities

21 Jun 2017, 13:30
1h 30m
Hall 4 / Cambridge (Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel)

Hall 4 / Cambridge

Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel

Board: 10
Poster High Power Electronics Poster session III - High Power Electronics


Boris Fridman (Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus)


For massive conductors in case of sharp skin-efffect it is possible to define the skin-parameter, which does not depend on time and frequency and effects on transients in electrical circuits with massive conductors. In the paper the peculiarities of transients with massive conductors are described, the definition and justification of skin-parameter are presented, the methods it calculation and measurement are given, and the algorithms of calculation of transients in electrical circuits with massive conductors are offered.

Primary author

Boris Fridman (Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus)

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