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18–22 Jun 2017
Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel
Europe/London timezone

Hydride lithium compression investigation in the megabar area by means of ultrahigh magnetic field pressure of the generator MC-1

20 Jun 2017, 13:30
1h 30m
Hall 4 / Cambridge (Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel)

Hall 4 / Cambridge

Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel

Board: 41
Poster High-Energy Density Physics and Technology Poster session II - High-Energy Density Physics and Technology


Alexander Bykov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center)


One of the main characteristics of the equation of states (EOS) is zero isotherm (i.e. a curve of the “cold compression”). Particularly, it defines the substance compression in the condensed phase. The substance behavior study and, first of all, the study of their equation of states at ultrahigh pressures and low temperatures is one of the fundamental tasks of high energy density physics.
The zero hydride lithium LiH investigation experiments are provided in the megabar area of pressures at isentropic compression by means of ultrahigh magnetic field pressure of the generator MC-1. The points up to 5Mbar are obtained on the P- ρ phase diagram.

Primary authors

Sergey Belov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Gennady Boriskov Alexander Bykov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center) Nicholas Egorov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Alex Korshunov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Igor Makarov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Valery Pavlov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Pavel Repin (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Iliy Strelkov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Oleg Surdin (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics) Valentine Timareva (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics)

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