Please pay your conference fee as soon as possible! At the early registration stage (ends March 6th) this is 120 EUR for the full stay and 80 EUR for a one-day-stay. Adults accompanying for the dinner should also register and pay a fee of 80 EUR. Payment details (you can check these later at the overview section):
University of Helsinki
00014 University of Helsinki
IBAN: FI23 1660 3000 0777 20
Message/reference: H519/3999895/[YOUR NAME HERE]
It is important to get the message right, so that the payment is pinpointed to this event and your name!
Also remember to take care of your hotel reservation! It is highly recommendable to stay at Hotel Arthur ( 99 EUR/night/single, 119 EUR/night/double using the special booking code JETMET100. Reduced prices are available until April 9th. See the overview in indico for further details.