Welcome speech by the local organizers.
Jim Olsen as ex CMS Physics Coordinator gives an overview of what we can expect and should aim in physics at 100 fb-1.
Theoretical and phenomenological challenges in modeling and identifying jet flavors, including top jets and novel approaches such as deep learning for quark and gluon discrimination
Overview talk of CMS state of the art from the JetMET conveners.
Overview of ATLAS state-of-the art in jets and missing ET from one of the ATLAS JetMET conveners.
Current status of the best pileup subtraction algorithms, PUPPI and SoftKiller, by the original authors.
(pruning, soft drop, theory), + W,top,H tagging, boosted (theory)
What would it take experimentally to get the top quark mass uncertainty to 0.2 GeV with 100 fb-1? Advanced NLOxPS generators, better PS model such as Vincia, new methods, Z+b response? Data-based flavor responses, better use of W->qq' mass peak, 3D R_bq from ATLAS?
Review on what are we measuring with the top quark mass (MC mass), how it is related to theory (pole mass, MSbar mass), and how we could strengthen the link between theory and experiment when experimental precision reaches 0.2 GeV.
Introduction to the work and goals of IML, and how this ties to JetMET work.
State-of-the art in quark (and gluon) flavor discrimination with deep neural networks at CMS.
More advanced NLOxPS generators for MC truth, jet flavor responses and their uncertainties with various MC, and how to tune single pion response for high pT extrapolation a la D0.
Relative calibration from dijet events. Challenges, limitations, and ways forward.
PF Jet composition, flavor definitions (past, present, future), NLO
Old (Jet flavors from data) State-of-the art in extracting jet flavors from data. What do we know and what should we do to get light quarks, gluons, charm and bottom jets nailed down.
Study of MET performance in high pile up events
Overview of the MET significance algorithm and implemented improvements
New regression techniques to recover the energy of the dead cells using near by crystals in calorimeters and tracking information
Jet identification and quark/gluon likelihood
CMS has already measured cross sections of inclusive jets and inclusive b-jets. What tools would be needed take to push this forward at 100 fb-1 and also measure inclusive gluon jets, inclusive light quark jets, inclusive charm jets and inclusive top jets, to have full view of flavor universality at the TeV scale?
Informal training on JEC global fit. Instructions to run are attached.