Introductory speeches
Mikko Voutilainen
(University of Helsinki (FI))
5/10/17, 9:00 AM
Welcome speech by the local organizers.
Jim Olsen
(Princeton University (US))
5/10/17, 9:15 AM
Jim Olsen as ex CMS Physics Coordinator gives an overview of what we can expect and should aim in physics at 100 fb-1.
Matthew Schwartz
5/10/17, 10:00 AM
Theoretical and phenomenological challenges in modeling and identifying jet flavors, including top jets and novel approaches such as deep learning for quark and gluon discrimination
Robert Schoefbeck
(Ghent University (BE)),
Seema Sharma
(Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
5/10/17, 11:15 AM
Overview talk of CMS state of the art from the JetMET conveners.
Christophe Clement
(Stockholm University (SE))
5/10/17, 12:00 PM
Overview of ATLAS state-of-the art in jets and missing ET from one of the ATLAS JetMET conveners.