Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

25–29 Sept 2017
Salamanca, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

Investigation of the proton structure at PANDA-FAIR

27 Sept 2017, 10:05


Talk QCD and hadron structure QCD and hadron structure


Dr Alaa Dbeyssi (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz)


An important goal of the future PANDA Experiment at FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany) is the investigation of the proton structure. Electromagnetic form factors parameterize the electric and magnetic structure of protons. In the time-like region electromagnetic proton form factors can be accessed experimentally through the annihilation processes $p\bar{p}\rightarrow l^+l^−$ (l = e, $\mu$), assuming that the interaction takes place through the exchange of one virtual photon. In frame of the PANDARoot software, which encompasses detector simulation and event reconstruction, the statistical precision at which the proton form factors will be determined at PANDA is estimated for both signal processes $p\bar{p}\rightarrow l^+l^−$ (l = e, $\mu$). The signal identification and the suppression of the main background process ($p\bar{p}\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^−$) is studied. Different methods have been used to generate and analyse the processes of interest. The results show that time-like electromagnetic proton form factors can be measured at PANDA with high statistical accuracy over a large kinematical region.

Primary authors

Ms Iris Zimmermann (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz) Dr Alaa Dbeyssi (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz) Mr Dmitry Khaneft (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz)

Presentation materials