Even though the mechanism is still under discussion, the intrinsic heavy quark mechanism is a rigorous prediction of Quantum Chromodynamics.
Assuming this mechanism to exist, in our talk we discuss how we can naturally explain one of the most intriguing and surprising results in modern baryonic physics, namely the production properties of the double charmed baryons measured by the SELEX experiment
(Phys.Lett. B765 (2017) 171-174 ; 1605.03070). We investigate the beautiful prediction given by the intrinsic heavy mechanism, where heavy quark particles are produced from the target with a momentum of the final state of less than 10 GeV/c (1704.02850). We also discuss the role of the intrinsic heavy quark mechanism at modern colliders
(Nucl.Phys. B915 (2017) 384-391 ; 1611.08149) . Finally, we give a review of possible experimental confirmations at the current experiments.