25–29 Sept 2017
Salamanca, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

Production of exotic charmonium in heavy ion collisions

29 Sept 2017, 09:25
Aula 2.7

Aula 2.7

Talk Exotic states and candidates Exotic states and candidates


Prof. Fernando Navarra (University of São Paulo)


We will present an introduction to the physics of exotic charmonium, describing
the most popular configurations proposed for these states: tetraquark and meson molecules. I will then show how these states can be produced in hadronic collisions and in heavy ion collisions, both in central and peripheral reactions. I
will present our latest results on the production cross sections, abundancies and rapidity distributions. The talk will be based on material published in arXiv:1704.08781; arXiv:1610.06604; arXiv:1604.07716 ; arXiv:1511.05209 and arXiv:1405.7583. Ongoing calculations will be presented.


Prof. Fernando Navarra (University of São Paulo)

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