25–29 Sept 2017
Salamanca, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

AdS/QCD Modified Soft Wall Model and Light Meson Spectra

26 Sept 2017, 19:00
Auditorium Hall

Auditorium Hall

Poster Spectroscopy of mesons Poster session


Santiago Cortes (Universidad de los Andes)


We analyze here the mass spectrum of light vector and scalar mesons applying the novel approach developed in [1], where a modified soft wall model that includes a UV-cutoff at a finite z-position in the AdS space is used, thus introducing an extra energy scale. For this model, we found that the masses for the scalar and vector spectra are well fitted within $\delta_\text{RMS}=6.88\%$ for these states, with non-linear trajectories given by two common parameters, the UV locus $z_0$ and the quadratic dilaton profile slope $\kappa$. We also concluded that in this model the $f_{0}(500)$ scalar resonance cannot be fitted holographycally as a $q\overline{q}$ state since we could not find a trayectory that included this pole. This result is in agreement with the most recent phenomenological and theoretical methods.

[1] N. R. F. Braga, M. A. Martin Contreras and S. Diles,
Phys. Lett. B 763, 203 (2016).


Santiago Cortes (Universidad de los Andes) Dr Miguel Ángel Martín Contreras (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia)) Prof. José Rolando Roldán (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia))

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