25–29 Sept 2017
Salamanca, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

Light exotic meson candidates in COMPASS

29 Sept 2017, 11:40
Sala Menor

Sala Menor

Talk Spectroscopy of mesons Spectroscopy of mesons


Prof. Bernhard Ketzer (University of Bonn (DE))


The COMPASS experiment at CERN uses a high-energy pion beam scattered off protons and heavier nuclei to produce mesonic excitations, which are observed in multi-particle final states subjected to partial-wave analyses. In addition to studying the properties of established mesons with unprecedented accuracy, the large existing data samples allow us to detect possibly exotic states. These either do not fit current theoretical expectations, like the recently observed a1(1420), or carry spin-exotic quantum numbers, like the pi1(1600). The talk will give an update on ongoing studies of these states involving novel analysis techniques and discuss possible interpretations.


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