25–29 Sept 2017
Salamanca, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of Initial- and Final-state effects through polarisation Observables

26 Sept 2017, 17:50
Aula 2.3

Aula 2.3

Talk Analysis tools Analysis tools


Dr Nicholas Zachariou (University of Edinburgh)


The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) housed in Hall B of the Thomas Jefferson Accelerator Facility provides us with the experimental tools to study strongly-interacting matter and its dynamics. Polarisation observables, accessible utilising polarised beams, allow us to performed detailed studies on the underlying dynamics of both initial and final state interactions as well as disentangle signal from background events. We have implemented this novel approach to study the interaction between Hyperons and Nucleons through Final state interactions in g d --> K+Lambda, as well as study initial state by direct comparison of results on the reaction with free proton data.


Dr Nicholas Zachariou (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials