Heavy quark baryons provide an excellent laboratory for tests of effective theories of the strong interaction. Recently a wealth of data on those systems has become available at the large hadron collider, such as the first observation of a doubly-charmed baryon, several new $\Omega_c$ states and exotic baryons with hidden charm. For beauty-baryons these new data allow precision measurements of...
Data collected at at LHC have extended the observable kinematical range for the production of quarkonia and open charm/beauty hadrons, and made possible the study of associated production of quarkonium pairs and of heavy quarks together with W, Z, or jets. The measurements have tested QCD based predictions and provided constraints for parton distribution functions. The talk will review and...
Some experimental approaches involving spectroscopy from heavy meson decays going to light mesons will be presented. Along with this, we will display several experimental results coming from J/Psi, D and B decays with a particular emphasis to the scalar resonance f0(980). We will also show how the CP violation observed in charmless three body decay can be used as tool to understand hadron...
Low-energy experiments with hadrons can identify physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), through either the observation of an unexpected breaking of its symmetries or that of a significant departure from a precise SM prediction. I will review some possibilities and highlight new opportunities for the discovery of new sources of CP violation and of light, weakly coupled new physics.
We discuss the present status of the determination and measurement of the low moments of the proton tested by the electromagnetic interactions: Proton radius, Zemach moments, two-photon exchange corrections, etc... Special attention is paid to understanding their chiral structure and to give a unified description of all of them by relating them with Wilson coefficients of effective field...
The spectrum of light-quark (uds) mesons has been studied since the mid-20th century, yet these simplest of hadrons are still providing new insight into the nature of the strong interaction and presenting new experimental challenges. In this talk, I will discuss the current status of light mesons, show some of the most exciting new results in this area, and discuss the prospects for future...
In this talk I will give a general overview on recent results from several groups
on the spectrum and properties of three- and four-quark states as obtained
in the framework of Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations.
I will discuss the spectrum of light baryons with focus on the comparison with
quark model expectations, the impact of dynamical mass generation and explain
the importance...
In recent years we have seen significant progress in our ability to study scattering reactions and resonances using lattice QCD. Quantities that were previously believed to be inaccessible from lattice QCD (e.g., scattering amplitudes of coupled-channel systems) are now being rigorously studied. For some reactions, the procedure for accessing amplitudes and their corresponding resonance...
I will present a review on the state of the art of hadrons in nuclei. In particular, I will discuss the properties of hadrons with strangeness, charm and beauty for the experimental conditions from RHIC to FAIR energies, paying a special attention to the formation of exotic bound states in nuclei.
Results for baryon spectroscopy by different collaborations and, generally, the state of the art in the subfield will be reviewed. Highlights contain common efforts of different phenomenology groups and the impact of recent high-precision data from ELSA, JLab, MAMI, and other facilities. Questions will be addressed of how to proceed to reach conclusive answers in baryon spectroscopy, on one...
We present recent results on hadron production in e+e- annihilation including double charmonium production, gamma-gamma fusion, hadron production with initial state radiation and from decays of B-mesons. We discuss the status of both standard and exotics hadron searches. Our review covers new results from Belle, BaBar, BESIII Collaborations and discussion of perspectives for future experiments...
We elaborate on the compositeness relation for poles in the two-body scattering amplitudes, and discuss different methods to calculate the compositeness of a resonance and bound state. We study in detail the case of validity of the effective-range expansion for near-threshold poles and its limitations, providing then a more general parameterization from S-matrix theory. The application of...
A continuum approach to the pion, kaon and pseudoscalar $ss$ bound-state problems is used to reveal their electromagnetic structures. For these systems, when used with parton disbribution amplitudes appropriate to the scale of experiment,
Standard Model hard-scattering formulae are accurate to within 25 % at medium momentum transfers. The large Q^2 evolution is accurately described by the hard...
Striking new phenomena in the charmonium and bottomonium regions have been uncovered in the past few years that likely point to the existence of configurations of quarks and gluons beyond the traditional quark-antiquark picture of mesons and the three-quark picture of baryons. I will review recent progress, highlight outstanding puzzles, and give some indication for how future progress might be made.
In addition to the normal hadron resonances, kinematical singularities such as the two-body threshold cusps and triangle singularities can also produce peaks. Such structures may mimic resonances, and lead to ambiguities in interpretations. In this talk, I will discuss various aspects of kinematical singularities, including how to distinguish them from resonances and how to make use of them.
The search mesons composed of light quarks with combinations of angular momentum (J), parity (P), and charge conjugation (C) that cannot be formed by a quark-antiquark pair has been a topic of experimental interest for several decades. While QCD does not seem to forbid the formation of exotic mesons, the evidence supporting their existence in nature is sparse. If such mesons do exist in...
One of the most challenging subjects in nuclear and hadron physics today is to clarify high density baryonic matter in the core of neutron stars. Most of nuclear theories have been constructed referring to experimental data of nuclei with a density equal or less than $\rho_0$ and cannot be reliably extrapolated to the density larger than $\rho_0$. In particular, considering the Fermi energy of...
One of the remaining challenges within the standard model is to gain a good
understanding of QCD in the non-perturbative regime. A key step towards this
aim is baryon spectroscopy, investigating the spectrum and the properties of
baryon resonances. To gain access to resonances with small $\pi N$ partial
width, experiments with electromagnetic probes provide essential information.
Partial wave...
In the past years, distribution functions depending on the transverse momentum of partons in the nucleon (TMDs) have been intensely studied in spin physics. The TMDs represent one approach to disentangle the multi-dimensional structure of the nucleon. Correlations of the transverse spin of quarks with their transverse momentum can be observed by measuring spin azimuthal asymmetries. Recent...
Hadrons emerge as strongly interacting, relativistic bound states of quarks and gluons in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of the strong force. They are not static but have complex dynamical internal structure, which are only beginning to be revealed in modern experiments. Since no modern detector can see quarks and gluons in isolation, it is an unprecedented intellectual challenge to...
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is envisioned as the next generation facility for exploring the strong interaction (Quantum ChromoDynamics, QCD). Our understanding of QCD has advanced enormously in the past decades. Both experimentally and theoretically, the perturbative regime in QCD has been explored and understood with precision. At the same time, lattice QCD calculations have begun to...