pre-GDB - WLCG SOC WG Workshop/Hackathon
Monthly meeting of the WLCG Grid Deployment Board See also Twiki GDB area for actions and summaries.
[Update 7/12]: Please note that since the discussions involved in this workshop may involve detailed site configurations, the WLCG-SOC-WG Vidyo room is being used which is protected with a pass code.
If you would like to take part remotely and have not registered, please contact and for the PIN.
The December 2017 pre GDB is formed by the WLCG SOC Working Group Workshop/Hackathon on the 11th and 12th of December. More information and registration for this meeting can be found here:
The workshop format will be that of a hands-on hackathon with the aim of helping attendees with deployment of security tools like Bro and MISP at their local sites. Where possible sites should anticipate having resources identified prior to the workshop to allow for assisted deployments.
To help sites decide if they would benefit from attending, we would identify these broad areas as being of particular focus for this workshop:
1) Installation of Bro
2) Installation of MISP
3) Integration of Bro & MISP
4) Enrichment of Bro data and integration into wider SOC components