This is the first CEPC analysis and physics workshop in Taiwan. It will be held on 14-22, December, 2016, at the National Central University, Zhongli, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
This workshop includes Physics and Analysis sections. The Physics section will be held on Dec. 21. The tutorial sections will includes introduction of the software framework and hand-on exercises on CEPC computing, on Dec. 20.
Workshop location: S4-625, Physics building.
Schedule brief: PLEASE note that the dates are postpone from 12-17 Dec.
Dec 14: NCU working session
Dec 15: AS computing framework setup
Dec 16: NCKU system setup and seminar
Dec 19: NCU system setup
Dec 20: Workshop on CEPC analysis and tutorial
Dec 21: Workshop on CEPC physics
Dec 22: NCU working session
Hotel Information:
For people who will stay, please ring up the hotel for reservation, We suggest the in-campus guest house, and two hotels in town. If you need local assistance, please ring up
Hilary Chang 張惠虹@03 4227151 ─65430
NCU guest house 訪客住宿
Address: Campus of National Central University
Tel: 886-03-4259703
Hotel J
Hotel IN
桃園市平鎮區民族路二段 159 號
TEL + 886 3 491 3999
Traveling information: NCU instruction
• 飛機
從桃園國際機場搭 統聯705 客運至桃園高鐵站。再從高鐵站轉搭132、172市區公車直達中央大學。
• 火車
• 高鐵
• 高鐵桃園站下車,出站後於公車站8號月台搭乘132、172市區公車直達中央大學(約每小時1班,車程15~20分鐘),或搭乘往中壢方向公車(至市區公車總站轉搭往本校公車)。
• 132、172市區公車往返本校及高鐵桃園站。
• 自高鐵桃園站前往中壢市區公車總站,請搭乘高鐵快捷公車、中壢客運170、桃園客運206、桃園客運171、桃園客運5087、桃園客運5089公車。
• 市區公車