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LHC Seminar

Observation of $B^0_s$ to $\mu^+\mu^-$ and first measurement of its effective lifetime with LHCb Run-2 data

by Flavio Archilli (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map

Rare decays of beauty mesons and hadrons are sensitive probes of effects beyond the Standard Model (SM). In the SM, these decays are forbidden at tree level and are therefore strongly suppressed. For example, B(s) → ll and b → (s,d) ll processes give access to many observables where effects of New Physics can be observed. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for beauty physics due to the optimised acceptance of the detector and a high trigger efficiency, as well as an excellent invariant mass resolution and particle identification capabilities.  Recent measurements of rare decays of beauty particles will be presented, including the status of the B → mu mu analysis with Run-2 data and future prospects.

Organised by

M. Mangano, C. Lourenço, G. Unal......................... Refreshments will be served at 10h30

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