Jun 5 – 9, 2017
Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague
Europe/Prague timezone


Poster session

Jun 5, 2017, 5:45 PM
Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague

Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague

Hotel Don Giovanni Prague **** Vinohradská 157a Prague Czech Republic map: 50°04'43.2"N 14°28'32.8"E

Presentation materials

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Ina Carli (Charles University (CZ))
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts
Tomas Jakoubek (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts

B-physics studies for HL-LHC ATLAS upgrade

Xianan Li
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts
Zoltan Ligeti (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts
Anna Kathryn Duncan (University of Glasgow (GB))
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts
Filip Jediny (Czech Technical University (CZ))
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts
Daniel Cervenkov (Charles University in Prague)
6/5/17, 5:45 PM
Poster Abstracts