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28 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
Queen's University
America/Toronto timezone
Welcome to the 2017 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2017!

Photon recycling in ultra-thin GaAs n/p junctions based on high-photovoltage vertical epitaxial heterostructure architectures with record optical to electrical conversion efficiencies.

1 Jun 2017, 10:15
Humphrey Hall 102 (Queen's University)

Humphrey Hall 102

Queen's University


Simon Fafard (Université de Sherbrooke and Azastra Opto Inc.)


Optical to electrical power converting devices are achieved with breakthrough performance using a Vertical Epitaxial HeteroStructure Architecture (VEHSA design). The III-V semiconductor devices allow achieving a near-optimum responsivity, an improved photovoltage output compared to p/n junctions with standard thicknesses. The ultrahigh conversion efficiencies were obtained by monolithically integrating several thin GaAs photovoltaic junctions tailored with submicron absorption thicknesses and grown in a single crystal by epitaxy. Experimental evidence of the significant impact of photon recycling in these photovoltaic devices has been observed. The devices exhibited a near optimum responsivity of up to 0.645A/W, corresponding to an external quantum efficiency of ~94%. Recent progresses include: -The highest optical to electrical efficiency ever achieved; -The highest output powers ever reported for a high-efficiency monolithic PV cell with 5.87W of converted output from a CW laser; -The highest efficiencies ever reported for any types of optical to electrical power conversion devices simultaneously combining high photovoltage and output powers (> 5W at > 7V with > 60% efficiency and > 3W at > 14V with > 60% efficiency); -The highest photovoltage ever reported for monolithic photovoltaic semiconductor heterostructures with measured Voc > 23V; -the thinnest p/n junctions ever implemented successfully with high-performance, with GaAs bases as small as 24nm.

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