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24–25 Jun 2017
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Asia/Hong_Kong timezone

The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) "Pushing the Frontiers of Particle Physics During the LHC Run II Era" will take place at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) during June 24th-30th 2017.

This page provides updated information about the GRS (June 24th/25th), which forms the first part of the meeting and provides a unique forum for young scientists to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.

A key goal is to bring together experimentalists and theorists working at all frontiers of particle physics, ranging from the LHC and other future high energy colliders (energy frontier) over precision tests and searches for rare processes (intensity frontier) to the increasingly important study of astroparticles and the early universe (cosmic frontier). The meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for theorists and experimentalists to communicate with each other, inspire each other and form collaborations in the search for new physics and in the quest to answer long standing questions about the fundamental laws that govern our universe.

The GRS will be opened with a keynote speech by Prof. Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley and IPMU Tokyo). Participants will also have the opportunity to join a special seminar by Prof Andrzej Buras (TU Munich) on Sunday. All other slots will preferrably be assigned to outstanding young researchers. The session conveners and discussion leaders are

(1) ``Energy Frontier'',  Felix Yu (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

(2) ``Intensity Frontier'', Jianglai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) and Haibo Yu (UC Riverside)

(3) ``Cosmic Frontier'', Yi Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

In addition, poster sessions will be organized during the GRS meeting. Applications for the GRS must be submitted by May 27, 2017. The chairs and discussion leaders will select speakers from abstracts submitted by April 30, 2017. Those applicants who are not chosen for talks and those who apply after April 30 will be expected to present a poster. About 20 of the poster presenters will in addition be selected by the discussion leaders and chairs to give a short oral presentation of their work in the poster sessions.

We encourage all participants of the GRS to also register for the GRC (June 25th-30th), which composes the second part of the meeting and features more senior speakers.

The registration fee for the GRC is USD1265 (single room) and for the GRS USD260 (single room), including conference, accommodation and three meals a day. We can offer to cover the full GRS registration fee for participants from outside Hong Kong who are selected as a GRS speaker, and may extend this support to some accepted GRS poster presenters. We are also able to support about thirty GRC poster presenters from outside Hong Kong with approximate USD550 to each. The GRS speakers will be given a priority for considering this GRC support, if they also present a poster at the GRC. As for participants from local universities, their registration fee will be partially covered by local funding.

The GRS and GRC are hosted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). HKUST is situated at the shore of the Pacific ocean and well-connected to other parts of Hong Kong. For those who decide to spend a few extra days, there will be plenty of opportunities to explore one of Asia's most vibrant and multicultural cities.

The application/registration link can be found at [GRS] [GRC]
To make best use of the trip (and to be eligible for the ful support), applicant should submit an abstract to both, GRS and GRC. The may use the same abstract in both applications, as GRS speakers may present a poster about the topic of their talk at GRC. 

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

The meeting consists of four main sessions and two informal sessions. In addition, there will be an opportunity to present posters. There will be two dedicated poster sessions, and the posters will remain on display throughout the entire Gordon Reseasrch Seminat and the subsequent Gordon Research Conference.

The four main sessions are

Opening session: Pushing the Frontiers of Particle Physics

The meeting will start with a keynote talk by Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley and IMPU Tokyo). Afterwards there will be an open discussion and beers in the evening.

The "energy frontier”: LHC and future colliders

This session will be devoted to the search for New Physics at the high energy frontier (LHC and future colliders). We aim to bring together bright young minds from experiment and theory (model building as well as phenomenology) to foster a fruitful discussion about the potential to discover New Physics at colliders, including Dark Matter, Supersymmetry and other New Physics ideas that can be tested in high energy collisions.

The "intensity frontier": high intensity experiments, rare processes and precision tests

On the experimental side, session will be devoted to high intensity experiments (e.g. fixed target experiments and neutrino experiments), searches for rare processes at low energy (such as neutrinoless double beta decay, lepton flavour violation, axion searches, indirect DM detection) and low energy precision tests (such as searches for dipole moments). On the theory side, we will discuss models that can be tested in such experiments (hidden sector, neutrino mass models, axions, flavour models, DM...).

The "cosmic frontier" and the search for New Physics in outer space

The final session will be devoted to the connection between particle physics and cosmology and astrophysics. This includes the early universe (baryogenesis, DM production, ...) and astroparticle physics (cosmic rays, indirect DM searches).