The European Spallation Source, now under construction in Lund, Sweden, aims to be the world’s most powerful pulsed neutron scattering facility. The project is now about 30% complete, with significant progress in civil construction. Driving the neutron source is a 5-MW superconducting proton linear accelerator operating at 4% beam duty factor and 14-Hz repetition rate. At this unprecedented...
The ITER machine is one of the most complex and large experiment presently ongoing. The first operation of the machine is scheduled for 2025. The fabrication of the main components is in days progressing all around the world. The assembly of the central part of the reactor is supposed to effectively start on 2020. The ITER machine will be assembled on Cadarche site by the ITER central team...
General Relativity (GR) is founded on the experimental fact that in a gravitational field all bodies fall with the same acceleration regardless of their mass and composition. This is the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) or Universality of Free Fall (UFF). Experimental evidence of a violation would require either that GR is to be amended or that a new force of nature is at play. Either way, it...