- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
This workshop will focus on trigger issues in searches for long-lived particles, particularly for the upgraded LHC. Both new things that we can do with the upgraded ATLAS trigger hardware (FTK, eFEX/gFEX/jFEX, etc) and new signatures that might be difficult to trigger on (soft bombs, quirks, etc) are fair game. The first day of the workshop will involve some theorists who wish to present some of their ideas of difficult to trigger on signatures, and the remaining two days will be ATLAS internal in order to focus on our own developments. The second two days will be more workshop than talks, and we are asking participants to think about a trigger project that they might work on during that time. A preliminary list of topics can be found on this twiki.
We hope for this workshop to be discussion-rich, rather than full of talks, and we are happy to have the agenda evolve somewhat in case interest in specific topics builds close to (or even during) the meeting.
As this is a workshop that will involve discussions and really sitting in groups and working, it will be a bit tough for remote participants to join in some of the sessions. We are providing a Vidyo connection for the first day's sessions. No vidyo connection is ever perfect, however, so please come in person if you would like to be involved in the discussion!
Note that this page is public, to allow theorists to view the information and talks. ATLAS internal information should all be posted on the protected agenda here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/622615/
Special thanks to the Berkeley Experimental Particle Physics Center, which is sponsoring this meeting.