Spin-light of neutrino in astrophysical media

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Alumni Hall

Alumni Hall

Poster Neutrinos Poster Session


Dr Alexander Grigoriev (Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow State University)


The Spin Light of Neutrino (SLnu) is a magnetic moment electromagnetic radiation of a massive neutrino moving under the influence of external conditions (matter or external fields) [1]. The effect, being proportional to the second power of the neutrino magnetic moment, is very faint for the moderate neutrino energies. However it has a strong energy dependence and in the light of the recent discovery of the ultra-high-energy neutrinos from the PeV band by the IceCube collaboration [2] the question of the SLnu effectiveness becomes meaningful. In this study we consider several astrophysical settings in which the effect is in principal possible: a neutron star, supernova, gamma-ray burst, and relic neutrino background. We defined conditions and corresponding settings which most of all favor the effect manifestation. These are provided by an ultra dense matter of neutron stars and neutrinos bound within galaxy clusters, and also by neutrinos generated by GRBs during the afterglow phase. Due to the specific polarization properties we propose the SLnu to be possibly connected with the observed polarization in GRB emission [3].

[1] A. E. Lobanov and A. I. Studenikin, Spin light of neutrino in matter and electromagnetic fields, Phys. Lett. B 564 (2003) 27-34; A. I. Studenikin and A. I. Ternov, Neutrino quantum states and spin light in matter, Phys.Lett. B 608 (2005) 107-114; A. V. Grigoriev, A. I. Studenikin and A. I. Ternov, Quantum theory of neutrino spin light in dense matter, Phys. Lett. B 622 (2005) 199-206; A. V. Grigoriev, A. V. Lokhov, A.I.Studenikin and A. I. Ternov, The effect of plasmon mass on spin light of neutrino in dense matter, Phys. Lett. B 718 (2012) 512-515.
[2] M. G. Aartsen. et al (IceCube Collaboration), A Combined Maximum-likelihood Analysis of the High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrino Flux Measured with IceCube, Astrophys. J. 809 (2015) 98 (1-15).
[3] Covino S., Gotz D., Polarization of prompt and afterglow emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts A&AT, Vol. 29 (2016) 2, 205-244.

Primary authors

Alexander Studenikin (Moscow State University) Alexey Lokhov (MSU) Dr Alexander Grigoriev (Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow State University) Prof. Alexei Ternov (Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology) Mr Vladimir Tsaturyan (master's degree student at Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University)

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