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AFS Phaseout - Coordinator meeting

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


(to be seen, depends on number of participants)
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Discuss plans and share experiences around the AFS phaseout in the various areas at CERN.
  • Alastair Bland
  • Alexander Fedotov
  • Alexandre Eline
  • Andre Sailer
  • Andreas Pfeiffer
  • Baosong Shan
  • Ben Couturier
  • Ben Jones
  • Dan van der Ster
  • Dario Berzano
  • David Caro
  • Elena Gianolio
  • Emil Obreshkov
  • Gaelle Boudoul
  • Gianluca Cerminara
  • Gunter Folger
  • Ignacio Reguero
  • Jan Iven
  • Javier Cervantes Villanueva
  • Joel Closier
  • Juan Manuel Guijarro
  • Kamil Henryk Krol
  • Luigi Gallerani
  • Nils Hoimyr
  • Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
  • Per Hagen
  • Roberto Divia
  • Samuele Kaplun
  • Shahzad Malik Muzaffar
  • Steve Traylen

(see slides)

"AFS phaseout - overview + discussion"

  • Disconnection test summary: still waiting for feedback from experiments and sites. Will repeat test once new EOSFUSE is there and hopefully some major users are gone, and will extend to 3..7 days. After a quick discussion, it was clarified that this should not affect BE or the CCC, and hence does not need to be tied to accelerator stops
  • Account management (short-term, GID-by-default): do group admins now have to ask users whether they need AFS? Same as now, for some E-groups the AFS account gets created automatically, for others still need to create explicitly via self-service.
  • Discussion on BE Java developers and their use cases (compilation with heavy dependency on AFS); new system does not seem to offer immediate advantages, and testing effort is hard to find. Also, would not want to re-find already-known issues (BE-ABP), and LS2 in general will be very busy for BE. IT expects that "development" is a generic use case between BE and experiments so can be checked upfront, but specifics indeed require separate test, effort for this shuoldbe discussed with hierarchy.
  • Performance impact of updating large files - can the recycling bin feature ("backup") be tuned? Can turn of/off (after discussion), but cannot tune.
  • will data be kept after AFS is shut off (e.g 6 months after start of RUN3, sometimes needed 1 year-old-data in the past)? yes, plan to keep AFS data around after shut-off (to be decided for how long exactly).
  • how to indicate that for a project space the data has been copied, but will be kept on AFS until end of AFS? Just add comment in JIRA, but advise against (hides legacy use cases).
  • how are AFS phaseout and EOS plans linked? /work phaseout needs new EOSFUSE, and the new EOS namespace will be required to hold all files currently in AFS
  • is there an upfront specification for EOSFUSE (POSIX calls it should support, performance targets)? No, iteratively fixing use cases, but also running a POSIX compatibility test suite. Implementation goal for now is "same as AFS".

EP-SFT status and plans + discussion

  • For the AFS phaseout to proceed the software would need to be actively removed at some stage from AFS, instead of old releases being left there. Per-product timescale to be agreed with the experiments.

PLUS & BATCH plans

  • Will dot-files work on "lxplus-eos"? yes (but need to copy manually into EOS, and synchronizing to desktop still is being looked at).
  • Timescale is for "lxplus-eos" is a few days after new EOSFUSE implementation is available. This is a test cluster to flush out non-working usecases (i.e not the future LXPLUS), testing effort is appreciated.


  • for personal workstations, there is ongoing effort to integrate EOSFUSE (and CVMFS) - see e.g Linux Support "locmap" on CC7.3. However, the recommended solution is to use CERNBox and sync back files/folders into EOS.
  • Next meeting?
    • the meeting was overall felt to be useful, a further meeting will be scheduled in 3months time (~June).

Action items:

  • documentation for migrating websites from AFS to EOS (incl test)
  • documentation for "which solution for which use case", incl desktop setups, xrootd access vs FUSE. To be adapted over time.
  • clarify EOS(USER) availability on the TN - RQF0609864
  • EOSFUSE: performance problem with appending to a large file - reproduce, make sure it is fixed after rewrite


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:30
      AFS phaseout - overview + discussion 30m
      Speaker: Jan Iven (CERN)
    • 15:30 16:00
      EP-SFT status and plans + discussion 30m

      current status of the AFS phaseout for SFT, and a proposal for stopping support for AFS-based software completely

      Speaker: Patricia Mendez Lorenzo (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:10
      PLUS & BATCH plans 10m
      Speaker: Gavin McCance (CERN)
    • 16:10 16:40
      AOB 30m