【92】 The spin of the second-born Black hole in coalescing double BH binaries

25 Aug 2017, 11:45
Room 14 (CICG)

Room 14


Talk Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics


Mr Ying Qin (Geneva Observatory)


For the “classical” isolated binary evolution, we ran an extensive grid of BH(Black hole)-He star binary evolution tracks, keeping track of the angular momentum evolution of the He star. For a He star with a compact object companion in a close orbit, tides can be efficient only when the orbital period is shorter than ~2 days. Based on the direct-collapse model (no angular momentum loss during the core-collapse), we find that the spin of the second-born BH covers the whole range of the BH spins (i.e. from 0 to 1), and that a weak inverse correlation exists between the merger timescale and the spin of the second-born BH.

Primary author

Mr Ying Qin (Geneva Observatory)


Dr Fragos Tassos (Geneva Observatory) Prof. Georges Meynet (Geneva Observatory)

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