【515】 Optimal preparation of vibrational state superpositions in a 1D Bose-Einstein condensate

24 Aug 2017, 15:15
Talk Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics


Mira Maiwöger (TU Wien)


On our atomchip setup a one-dimensional Bose gas of 87Rb is cooled down to the transverse groundstate of the trapping potential. The wave function of the condensate is manipulated by displacing the potential following a trajectory defined by optimal control. Thus superpositions of transverse vibrational states are prepared.
Their dynamics is probed by measuring the transverse momentum distribution, imaged after time of flight. Although well
described by mean-field theory initially, the system evolves towards a steady state, which is not expected from the mean-field description. Several effects and their influence on the relaxation process have been studied such as the emission of correlated atom pairs from the first excited state.

Primary author

Mira Maiwöger (TU Wien)


Jörg Schmiedmayer Marie Bonneau Sandrine van Frank

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