【124】 Extending Haldane's conjecture to SU(3) spin chain systems

24 Aug 2017, 15:00
Talk Condensed Matter Physics (incl. NESY) Condensed Matter Physics (incl. NESY)


Miklos Lajko (EPFL)


We apply field theory methods to $\mbox{SU}(3)$ symmetric Heisenberg chains in the fully symmetric representation, with p boxes in the Young tableau, mapping them into a $\mbox{SU}(3)/(\mbox{U}(1)\times\mbox{U}(1))$ non-linear $\sigma$-model with a non-trivial topological term and a topological angle $\theta =2\pi p/3$. Based on this mapping we argue that $\mbox{SU}(3)$ spin chains are gapped for $p=3m$, while gapless for $p=3m\pm 1$ (for integer $m$). This is confirmed by Monte Carlo calculations on the $\sigma$-model. We further discuss the phase diagram and the renormalization flow of the $\sigma$-model, and its implications on spin chains.


Miklos Lajko (EPFL)


Mr Kyle Wamer (The University of British Columbia) Prof. Frédéric Mila (EPFL) Prof. Ian Affleck (The University of British Columbia)

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