【133】 Atomic diffusion in alkali oxide glasses

25 Aug 2017, 11:45
Talk Condensed Matter Physics (incl. NESY) Condensed Matter Physics (incl. NESY)


Katharina Holzweber (University of Vienna)


It is well known that in some cases powerful synchrotron X-ray sources are not only probing but at the same time also influencing the structure
of the sample.
Recently it was shown that coherent X-rays with a high flux as used in aXPCS (atomic scale X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy) measurements influence the dynamics on some kind of materials like oxide glasses.
On the basis of aXPCS experiments on alkali silicate and alkali borate glasses the beam-induced dynamics will be presented in detail as well as the q-dependence of the correlation times
and corresponding theoretical diffusion models.

Primary authors

Katharina Holzweber (University of Vienna) Christoph Tietz (Universität Wien) Prof. Bogdan Sepiol (University of Vienna, Dynamics of Condensed Systems) Mr Michael Legenstein (University of Vienna, Dynamics of Condensed Systens)

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