【614】 Magnetic spiral order and multiferroism through impurity-induced frustration

23 Aug 2017, 17:45
Talk Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides


Markus Müller (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)


Multiferroism can originate from the breaking of inversion symmetry caused by magnetic-spiral order. It usually arises due to competing magnetic exchange interactions that differ by their range and sign, and thus occurs at low temperatures. I present a mechanism that works at much higher temperatures. It relies on frustrating bonds randomly introduced along a single crystallographic direction, as found in a realistic model of YBaCuFeO5, where spiral order at high temperatures was indeed reported. We predict a correlation between the ordering temperature and the spiral wavevector. We show that spin orbit coupling at impurities induces a tilting of the easy plane, which ensures that spiral order couples to electric polarization.

Primary authors

Markus Müller (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Andrea Scaramucci (ETHZ) Dr Christopher Mudry (PSI) Prof. Maxim Mostovoy (Groningen) Dr Hiroshi Shinaoka (Tokyo) Prof. Matthias Troyer (ETHZ) Prof. Nicola Spaldin (ETHZ)

Presentation materials