【603】 Distortion mode analysis of the lattice anomalies across the metal-to-insulator transition in PrNiO3

23 Aug 2017, 14:45
Talk Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides


Dariusz Jakub Gawryluk (Paul Scherrer Institut)


RNiO$_3$ perovskites (R = rare earth, Tl$^{3+}$, Pb$^{3+}$ or Bi$^{3+}$) display a metal to insulator transition (MIT) at temperatures T$_{MIT}$ than increase by decreasing the lanthanide ionic radius. The electronic localization is associated to a charge disproportionation of the type 2Ni$^{3+}$ = Ni$^{3+d}$ + Ni$^{3-d}$ and with subtle structural distortions related to the Ni$^{3+d}$/Ni$^{3-d}$ charge order. Using neutron powder diffraction the lattice anomalies of PrNiO$_3$ have been re-investigated and interpreted in terms of “frozen” normal distortion modes1. We identify a new breathing mode with non-zero amplitude below T$_{MIT}$ and associate it to the charge order responsible for the MIT.

Primary author

Dariusz Jakub Gawryluk (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Dr Juan Rodríguez-Carvajal (Institut Laue-Langevin) Dr Maria Teresa Fernández-Díaz (Institut Laue-Langevin) Prof. Philippe Lacorre (UFR Sciences et Techniques, Université du Maine) Marisa Medarde (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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