【615】 Effect of epitaxial strain on the spin and spin-orbital excitations of Sr2IrO4 observed by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS)

23 Aug 2017, 18:00
Talk Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides


Dr Eugenio Paris (Paul Scherrer Institute)


The sensitivity of the Jeff = 1/2 state of Sr2IrO4 to local coordination and structural distortions suggests epitaxial strain as an ideal route for manipulating this exotic ground state. As recently demonstrated, oxygen K-edge RIXS is capable to capture magnetic excitations in 5d-oxides [1]. From O K-edge RIXS on roughly 20-nm thick Sr2IrO4 films we observed the low-energy elementary excitations encompassing single magnons, bimagnons and spin-orbital excitations and their dispersion relations. In this talk, I will present a direct observation of the evolution of these low-energy quasiparticle excitations and spin dynamics upon epitaxial strain in the Jeff = ½ Mott insulator Sr2IrO4.

[1] X. Lu et al, manuscript submitted

Primary author

Dr Eugenio Paris (Paul Scherrer Institute)


Dr Daniel McNally (Paul Scherrer Institut) Yi Tseng (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Milan Radovic (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Thorsten Schmitt (Paul Scherrer Institute)

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