Aaron Capon
(Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics (SMI), Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Investigating p-Pb collisions allows for comparative analyses between Pb-Pb collisions (Quark Gluon Plasma) and pp collisions. This analysis uses dielectrons for the probe, as their lack of colour charge allows them to exit the system with few final state interactions.
In order to precisely measure the low-mass dielectron spectrum, a high purity sample of electrons is required. Whilst traditional cuts provide high purity samples, the efficiency typically suffers. This analysis aims to implement machine learning to overcome these drawbacks.
These techniques, and a first look at the low-mass dielectron spectrum from ALICE using the latest LHC p-Pb data, will be presented.
Aaron Capon
(Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics (SMI), Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))