【339】 Investigating the solid deuterium in the PSI UCN source moderator

24 Aug 2017, 12:45
Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK - FAKT) Nuclear, Particle-and Astrophysics (TASK-FAKT)


Mr Nicolas Hild (Paul Scherrer Institute)


The ultracold neutron (UCN) source at PSI converts fast neutrons from a spallation target into UCN via thermalisation in D2O, subsequent moderation in solid ortho-deuterium (sD2), and finally down-scattering on the crystal lattice of the sD2. The UCN output declines after several hours of continuous operation and a conditioning, consisting of a reduction in the cooling power of the sD2 vessel and heating of its lid for a short period, is applied to recover or surpass the initial rate. To pinpoint the reasons for the decreasing UCN rate and the beneficial impact of conditionings, various parameters of the source which might influence the sD2 behaviour during conditionings are being investigated.

Primary author

Mr Nicolas Hild (Paul Scherrer Institute)

Presentation materials