【327】 Barrel time-of-flight detector for the PANDA experiment at FAIR

23 Aug 2017, 18:30
Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK - FAKT) Nuclear, Particle-and Astrophysics (TASK-FAKT)


Nicolaus Kratochwil (Stefan-Meyer-Institut (OEAW))


The $\bar{\text P}$ANDA experiment at FAIR will perform high precision hardron physics experiments in the strange and charm quark sector using cooled beams of antiprotons at high luminosity with 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c momentum.

For the identification of low momentum charged particles with extreme accuracy the barrel time-of-flight (TOF) detector is one of the key components of $\bar{\text P}$ANDA. The barrel detector has ~1 m diameter, covering 22-140 degree lab angle. A single counter intrinsic time resolution of ~60 ps has been reached.

In this talk I will present optimization of operational conditions and time resolution.

Primary authors

Ken Suzuki (Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences) Dominik Steinschaden (Stefan Meyer Institute) Sebastian Zimmermann (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Nicolaus Kratochwil (Stefan-Meyer-Institut (OEAW)) Lukas Gruber (CERN) Carsten Schwarz (GSI Darmstadt GmbH) Herbert Orth (GSI) Lars Schmitt (GSI Darmstadt) Klaus Goetzen (GSI Darmstadt) Kai-Thomas Brinkmann (Bonn University) Albert Lehmann (University Erlangen-Nuremberg) Merlin Böhm (Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany) Kamal Dutta (Gauhati University, Physics Department, Guwahati, India) Kalita Kushal (Gauhati University, Physics Department, Guwahati, India) Marius Constantin Chirita Mihaila (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))

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