The process of electron-positron pair production in oscillating electric fields is investigated in the nonperturbative threshold regime.
Similarities between atomic ionization and pair production are pointed out and an effective mass model is introduced.
Accurate numerical solutions of the quantum kinetic theory for various observables are presented and analyzed in terms of the effective mass model.
The presentation will summarize scope and status of the International Future Circular Collider Study. Machine concepts and parameters will be presented together with essential technical components to be developed. Key elements are superconducting accelerator-dipole magnets with a field of 16 T for the hadron collider and high-power, high-efficiency RF systems for the lepton collider. In...
The Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) aims at studying plasma wakefield generation and electron acceleration driven by proton bunches. It is a proof-of-principle R&D experiment at CERN and the world's first proton driven PWFA experiment. The AWAKE experiment uses the 400GeV/c proton beam bunches from the SPS. The first experiments started end 2016 and...
In this presentation I will provide a concise overview of the main physics analyses that are planned to be carried out with thevery large data set delivered during the High-Luminosity LHC phase (HL-LHC). Some particular physics channels will be highlighted.
The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) pursues various research approaches in the field of particles and cosmology. In this talk, I will present precise symmetry tests of various kinds, which are coming within reach with ESFRI Landmarks and new neutron sources. In focus are searches for possible deviations from the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics with cold and...
The large data samples at the High-Luminosity LHC will enable precise measurements of the Higgs boson and other Standard Model particles, as well as searches for new phenomena as predicted by supersymmetry and extra dimension theories. To cope with the large radiation doses and high pileup expected at the High-Luminosity HLC, the current ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced with a new...
Differential cross section measurements of the Higgs boson at the LHC are important tools to study possible signs of new physics beyond the Standard Model. A common way to compare the results of the measurements with theory predictions is to unfold the measured spectra to particle level.
An alternative approach, developed in the context of the CMS measurement of the $\mathrm{H} \rightarrow...
A novel higher-level flavour tagging algorithm called DL1 has been developed using a neural network at the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We have investigated the potential of Deep Learning in flavour tagging using higher-level inputs from lower-level physics-motivated taggers. The DL1 studies presented show that the obtained neural network improves discrimination of...
Over the course of LHC Run 2, physics at the LHC has been shifting gradually into a high-luminosity mode, where the rate of data-accumulation outweighs any advances in the energy frontier. Augmented luminosity comes at the cost of increased pileup. Already a challenge, pileup will be the foremost problem for analysis at the HL-LHC, necessitating new strategies in detector design and event...
Identification of hadronically-decaying W bosons and top quarks using high-level features as input to deep neural networks and boosted decision trees is investigated. The use of machine learning techniques is found to improve the background rejection with respect to simple reference single jet substructure and mass taggers.
Jet substructure techniques play a critical role in ATLAS in searches for new physics, are increasingly important in measurements of the Standard Model, and are being utilized in the trigger. To date, ATLAS has mostly focused on the use of calorimeter-based jet substructure, which works well for jets initiated by particles with low to moderate boost, but which lacks the angular resolution...
The spectrum of differential observables related to Higgs boson production is a sensitive probe to new physics. At the LHC, Higgs production is dominated by gluon fusion, for which loop contributions from new physics may manifest in the shape of differential observables. With the millions of produced Higgs bosons at the High Luminosity LHC, limits on Higgs couplings from differential...
The LHC will be upgraded to a High Luminosity running mode around 2025. In accordance with this machine upgrade, the current Inner Detector of the ATLAS experiment will be replaced with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) comprising of pixel and micro-strip silicon sensors. A candidate technology for the outer pixel layers of ITk is a new radiation hard monolithic pixel sensor, based on High...
Studies of semileptonic decays at LHCb cover a wide-range of possible measurements: cross-sections, lifetimes, mixing and CP violation, CKM matrix elements, tests of lepton universality... Thanks to their large statistics, semileptonic decays allow for ultimate precision measurements, assuming systematic uncertainties can be kept under control.
I will present here a brief selection of the...
The large amount of data collected by the ATLAS experiment in the coming years might open the door to a totally new domain of particle physics. However, the increased luminosity of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will result not only in an enhanced access to new physics, but also in an extreme contamination from multiple hadronic interactions commonly known as pileup. This contamination will...
The violation of CP symmetry is well established nowadays in the K and B mesons sectors. However, CPV has not been observed in the baryonic sector. Charmless b-baryon decays represent a promising opportunity in this respect since their amplitudes receive contributions from tree level diagrams where the CKM element Vub appears. In addition, these decays are sensitive to possible physics beyond...
With ever increasing luminosity at the LHC, optimum online data selection is getting more and more important. While in the case of some experiments (LHCb and ALICE) this task is being completely transferred to computer farms, the others - ATLAS and CMS - will not be able to do this in the medium-term future for technological, detector-related reasons. Therefore, these experiments pursue the...
Measurements of CP violation and flavour oscillations of neutral $B$ mesons require the knowledge of the meson flavour at the production time.
Flavour tagging algorithms in the LHCb experiment, despite the challenging, harsh environment due to $pp$ collisions, allow to perform such measurements with very high precision.
Recent examples feature world-leading results in the determination of the...
The $\bar{\text P}$ANDA experiment at FAIR will perform high precision hardron physics experiments in the strange and charm quark sector using cooled beams of antiprotons at high luminosity with 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c momentum.
For the identification of low momentum charged particles with extreme accuracy the barrel time-of-flight (TOF) detector is one of the key components of $\bar{\text...
LHCb has the largest samples of two-body charmed hadron decays collected by any experiment to date. These samples are yielding some of the world's most precise measurements of neutral $D$-meson mixing parameters and most sensitive searches for indirect $C\!P$ violation in charm decays. The current world best time-dependent $C\!P$ asymmetries in the decay rates of the singly Cabibbo-suppressed...
The beam gas vertex detector (BGV) is a beam profile monitor at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is based on a technique that was pioneered in the LHCb experiment where charged particles produced in inelastic beam-gas interactions are used to reconstruct beam-gas vertices and obtain the transverse beam shape. This non-destructive method allows the measurement of additional beam properties,...
The Future Circular Collider is a design study to explore post LHC possibilities at the high energy and high luminosity frontier for electron-positron and hadron-hadron colliders. With the conceptual design report foreseen for the end of 2018, active research in the area of detector concepts and performance is currently ongoing. In particular the detector for hadron-hadron collisions at a...
As a result of 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics the Future Circular Collider hadron-hadron (FCC-hh) with 100 TeV CM collisions has emerged as one of the future options in the post-LHC era. The beam-beam interaction, being the strongest non-linearity of the machine, has implications in many aspects. A robust design should take into account the different optics and...
The Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), in collaboration with CERN and the Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory, is contributing to the Future-Circular-Collider (FCC) Design Study by exploring the canted-cosine theta (CCT) technology for its suitability for an FCC 16-T main dipole magnet. This design constitutes a departure from classical design patterns, presenting us with, both, opportunities and...
The beam in high-energy accelerators generally causes electron production, through rest gas ionization or photoelectrons generated by the beam synchrotron radiation. Under certain conditions, the acceleration of such electrons in the field of the beam can lead to the build-up of a dense electron cloud, with several detrimental effects for machine operation. Electron cloud effects posed...
Relying on their unique sensitivity to the electronic environment, slow positron serve in applied science for the characterisation of materials. Because the creation of slow positrons is inefficient and stringent radio-safety guidelines, their use is limited to specialized laboratories around the world. We report the realisation of a cyclotron trap assisted positron tungsten moderator for the...
Hadron colliders, have to store beams for very long periods with very good beam qualities to reach the integrated luminosity goals. The protons stored in the accelerator undergo strong non-linear distortions coming from the accelerator elements (magnets) but more fundamental from the opposite beam with the so called beam-beam interactions. The beam-beam effects are the main source of...
Pulsed beams have tremendous advantages for precision experiments with cold neutrons. In order to minimize and measure systematic effects, they are used at continuous sources in spite of the related substantial decrease in intensity. At the pulsed neutron source ESS, such experiments will gain up to a factor of 30 in event rate, and novel concepts become feasible. Therefore, the cold neutron...
The next generation of experiments with muons requires high-quality muon beams. We are developing a device that reduces the phase space of a standard $\mu^{+}$ beam by a factor of $10^{10}$ with $10^{-3}$ efficiency. The phase space compression is achieved by stopping $\mu^{+}$ in cryogenic helium gas with density gradients and applying strong electric and magnetic fields. Several aspects of...
The ultracold neutron (UCN) source at PSI converts fast neutrons from a spallation target into UCN via thermalisation in D2O, subsequent moderation in solid ortho-deuterium (sD2), and finally down-scattering on the crystal lattice of the sD2. The UCN output declines after several hours of continuous operation and a conditioning, consisting of a reduction in the cooling power of the sD2 vessel...
The purpose of LHCb is to search for indirect evidence of new physics in decays of heavy hadrons. The LHCb detector is a single-arm forward spectrometer with precise silicon-strip detectors in the regions with highest particle occupancies. The non-uniform exposure of the LHCb sensors makes it an ideal laboratory to study radiation damage effects in silicon detectors.
Dedicated scans are...
The nonsupersymmetric nonconformal Witten model augmented by chiral quarks in a D4-D8 brane construction due to Sakai and Sugimoto is a top-down string-theory construction of a gravity dual to low-energy large-N QCD with only one dimensionless free parameter. Used as a phenomenological model it reproduces several features of hadron physics even quantitatively to within 10-30%. This talk...
The use of scintillating plastic fibres in combination with modern SiPM detector arrays allows to build intrinsically fast and low mass particle detectors with good resolution and high geometrical flexibility. We present the development of a new class of scintillating fibres which are based on a novel type of luminophores admixed to a polystyrene core matrix, aiming at very fast fibres with...
We report new measurements of the branching fractions of the decays $\Lambda^+_c \rightarrow \Sigma^+ \pi^- \pi^+$, $\Sigma^0 \pi^0 \pi^+$ and $\Sigma^+ \pi^0 \pi^0$ based on 711/fb of integrated luminosity recorded with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy $e^+e^-$ collider near the $\Upsilon$(4S) resonance (charge conjugated decays are implicitly included). All results are...
For the LHCb detector upgrade in 2019, the large scale scintillating fibre tracker will be readout with customised 128 channel Silicon Photo-Multiplier SiPM arrays from Hamamatsu. The first production batch of 500 detector arrays have been delivered in May 2017 and first results from the characterisation are shown. The technology provides a high photon detection efficiency, low optical...
We present a fully differential calculation at NLO of the radiative ($\mu\to\nu\bar\nu{e+\gamma}$) and rare ($\mu\to\nu\bar\nu{e+e^+e^-}$) muon decays in the effective Fermi theory keeping the full dependence on $m_e$. These processes are the irreducible background for the experimental searches for lepton flavour violation by MEG and Mu3e, as they become indistinguishable from the...
As a part of the LHCb upgrade planned for installation during the LHC Long Shutdown\,2, the current LHCb Outer and Inner Tracker will be replaced by a single tracking detector based on scintillating fibres and read out by silicon photo-multipliers.This new Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) Tracker consists of 12 detection planes, covering a total area of 360\,m$^2$. The active elements of the...
Photoproduction of multiple-meson final states is an efficient tool for the
study of sequential decays of nucleon resonances, i.e. decays involving
intermediate excited states. So far coherent reactions have almost not been explored due to the small production cross sections and the background from quasi-free processes.
Here we summarize preliminary results for the coherent
photoproduction of...
The use of multiplexed modules in high intensity environments was not explored so far, due to the e?ffect of ambiguities in the reconstruction of the hit point caused by the multiplexing feature. We present the ?first performance results of multiplexed modules tested at the CERN SPS 100 GeV/c electron beam for intensities up to 3.3 10$^5$ e$^-$/sec/cm$^2$. At these rates, a factor 5...
Photoproduction of pion pairs off (quasi-) free nucleons is important to investigate the excitation spectrum of the nucleon for low energy QCD, in particular for decays via intermediate excited states. Quasi-free production of such pairs off heavier nuclei also figures prominently in the study of the in-medium properties of nucleon resonances. In the present work production of $\pi^0\pi^{\pm}$...
A novel generation of silicon pixel detectors based on the commercial High-Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) technology will be presented. HV-CMOS pixel sensors are depleted active pixel sensors that allow for the implementation of complex in-pixel electronics. This feature, together with fast charge collection, high efficiency and radiation hardness, makes them promising candidates for the next...
The measurement of the cosmic-ray muon flux can be used to infer the density structure of overburden material. The Eiger-mu project proposes muon radiography to map the shape of the bedrock beneath Alpine glaciers. The first test has been performed at Jungfrau region. We installed emulsion film detectors in the Jungfrau railway tunnel. The detectors stayed 47 days and recorded tracks of muons...
A novel pixel sensor based on High-Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) technology is being proposed for the tracker upgrade of ATLAS, for the HL-LHC. Due to the proximity to the proton-proton collisions region, those sensors will receive high doses of radiation.
In this context, the characterisation of prototype sensors using the Transient Current Technique (TCT) is presented, after irradiation at...
The particle recently found at the LHC is compatible with the Standard Model Higgs boson. However, the current uncertainties allow associations with extended models thus rendering it essential to investigate the properties of this particle further. The Higgs potential, determined by the Higgs self-interactions, is believed to be the origin of EWSB. As a first experimental step to reconstruct...
Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors (MAPS), based on the HV-CMOS technology, are being developed as a pixel detector prototypes for the ATLAS silicon tracker upgrade. The HV-CMOS technology allows the creation of a pixel sensor using high-voltage on the same die where the CMOS readout circuitry is implemented. MAPS do not require hybridisation to a passive sensor and, therefore, they represent a...
Investigating p-Pb collisions allows for comparative analyses between Pb-Pb collisions (Quark Gluon Plasma) and pp collisions. This analysis uses dielectrons for the probe, as their lack of colour charge allows them to exit the system with few final state interactions.
In order to precisely measure the low-mass dielectron spectrum, a high purity sample of electrons is required. Whilst...
The ASACUSA collaboration at the Antiproton Decelerator of CERN aims at a precise measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen, which promises to be one of the most sensitive tests of CPT symmetry. In a Rabi type setup, a dedicated antiproton-positron mixing trap produces antihydrogen atoms, which pass a tunable spin-flip microwave cavity and a sextupole magnet for...
Current and planned neutrino oscillation experiments operate in the 0.1-10 GeV energy regime and use a variety of nuclear targets. At these energies, the neutrino cross section is not well understood: a variety of interaction processes are possible and nuclear effects play a significant role. This talk will explore the relationship between neutrino cross sections and neutrino oscillation...
The ASACUSA Collaboration at CERNs Antiproton Decelerator plans to measure the ground state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen to test the CPT symmetry. Part of the spectrometer line is an antihydrogen detector whose task is to distiguish background events from annihilations of antihydrogen atoms which are produced in small amounts. The antihydrogen detector is composed of a position...
POLAR is a new space-borne gamma-ray polarimeter launched in September 2016 as part of the Chinese-Spacelab TG-2. POLAR does optimized polarisation measurements for the 50-500 keV component of GRBs with unprecedented precision by taking advantage of the non-uniformity of the Compton scattering angles. POLAR uses an array consisting of 1600 plastic scintillators to detect the incoming photons....
The T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment currently taking data in Japan. By observing electron neutrino appearance and muon neutrino disappearance in an initially almost pure muon neutrino beam, the experiment aims at precisely measuring the parameters ruling the oscillation mechanism. In order to perform these measurements one must determine with high accuracy the...
The main goal of the GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) is the search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb).
Its existence would imply the violation of lepton number conservation and reveal the neutrino's nature.
In GERDA, detectors made from enriched germanium-76 with a total mass of 35.6 kg are operated in liquid argon (LAr).
Germanium-76 is one of the few candidate isotopes for 0nbb,
The detection of high energy astrophysical neutrinos by the IceCube Collaboration has paved the way to the field of neutrino astronomy. However, the origin of such neutrinos is still poorly understood and no source has been identified so far. Cosmic rays sources are home to hadronic interactions in which the accelerated particles might produce neutrinos and gamma-rays through the neutral pion...
Mu3e is a novel experiment designed to probe for lepton flavor violation in the muon decay into three electrons. Its goal is to improve the current experimental limit by four orders of magnitude and reach a sensitivity of 1 in $10^{16}$ muon decays. The foreseen stopping rate of $10^8$ muons/s generate combinatorial background which could only be rejected by precise time information. A...
Despite the overwhelming evidence for dark matter from astronomical and cosmological indications at various scales, a clear evidence of a particle which can explain these observations remains absent. XENON1T is a liquid xenon detector capable of exploring a large fraction of the available parameter space for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The experiment aims to detect...
Axion-like particles are good candidates for cold dark matter. They would form a galactic-scale classical field, which on local scales undergoes coherent oscillations. Through their coupling to gluons these particles would induce oscillating electric dipole moments (EDMs) in nucleons and atoms. We analyse data of two neutron EDM experiments: ILL, Grenoble, France (1998-2002) and PSI, Villigen,...
The upcoming measurement at the ETH Zurich Slow Positron Beam aiming at 0.5 ppb precision will be presented. The precursor measurement with a continuous positron beam has been upgraded to include a pulsed beam and a time-of-flight detection scheme to correct for the major systematic error of the experiment, the second order Doppler shift. Additionally the experiment newly uses a field free...
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a satellite-borne particle detector used to study High Energy Cosmic Rays and Gamma Rays. After its successful launch into a sun-synchronous orbit in December 2015, it has been operating in nominal science operation mode for more than one year, covering large portions of the sky and revealing several bright gamma-ray sources. In this contribution,...
We present the latest status report of PERC facility. The PERC (Proton Electron Radiation Channel) aims to meausure the free neutron beta decay with high precission.
The ArDM experiment is designed for direct detection of WIMPs. In 2015, the experiment was commissioned in the single-phase mode at the target size of nearly 1 tonne. The results confirmed the performance and low background behavior of the installation and gave a promising perspective for the planned double-phase runs. Crucial information was derived from the data: the existence of...
The NA64 experiment is a new experiment searching for invisible decays of dark photons using the electron beam of the CERN SPS dumped in an active target.To obtain the aimed sensitivity of NA64 to a single A'-decay for >$10^{10}$ eots, one of the key elements that is the use of an incoming electrons tagging with efficiency better than 95% and suppression of hadrons contamination in the...
In the last years, intriguing hints for lepton flavour universality violating New Physics in B decays has been discovered. Including the most recent measurements, the global significance is now above the 5 sigma level.
In this talk I first review the experimental and theoretical status of these anomalies. Afterwards, I discuss various explanations in terms of New Physics models and examine...
As part of R&D studies related to dark matter searches, we have designed, built and operating new, small-scale dual-phase xenon TPC at the University of Zurich. Detector performance is comparable to the state-of-the-art xenon-based detectors, and the experimental goal is to conduct signal yield measurements for low-energy neutron interactions.
In this contribution I will describe detector with...
The idea that the different generations of charged leptons interact in the same way, a concept known as lepton universality, is deeply enshrined in the Standard Model of particle physics. Decays of beauty hadrons are particularly interesting tools to test for violations of lepton universality. I will review the latest lepton universality tests with semileptonic beauty quark decays, which hint...
Numerous observations show that most of the matter in the Universe is in a form of non-luminous, cold, collisionless, non-baryonic dark matter. One candidate under study is a stable weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP).
Liquefied-noble-gas-detectors are now among the technologies at the forefront of WIMP direct detection experiments, looking for its interactions with nuclei.
In a...
The family of decays mediated by b->sl+l- transitions provides a rich laboratory to search for effects of physics beyond the Standard Model. In recent years LHCb has found hints of deviations from theoretical predictions both in the rates and angular distributions of such processes. In addition, hints of lepton flavour non-universality have been seen when comparing B+->K+mu+mu- and B+->K+e+e-...
GERDA searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay of Ge76. The liquid argon (LAr) filled cryostat containing the enriched germanium detectors is instrumented with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to detect LAr scintillation light, thereby vetoing background events. Currently employed PMTs are not directly sensitive to this wavelength: instead it is shifted to their sensitive region using...
Charmless $b$-hadron decays are good probes to test the Standard Model and search for New Physics. Of particular interest are the $B^0_s$ decays to final state with light resonances ($\eta$, $\eta^{\prime}$ or $\phi$) that can be used for time-dependent CP violation studies. The ``golden'' $B^0_s \to \phi\phi$ mode has already been used by LHCb to measure the CP-violating phase difference...
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy from 20 GeV to 300 TeV. SST-1M is one of the proposed small sized telescope for the Southern array exploring energies from 3 TeV to 300 TeV.
SST-1M camera is composed of SiPM sensors. The sensors together with front-end electronic are designed to meet CTA requirements. The camera readout and...
Radiative decays of $B$ mesons are flavour-changing neutral current processes used as probes for new physics (NP). They occur predominantly via $b \rightarrow s \gamma$ loop diagrams in which the photon is expected, in the Standard Model, to be mostly right handed. However, a significant left-handed component could arise from NP phenomena. The LHCb collaboration is attempting to measure the...
The goal of the TT-PET project is to develop a compact Time-of-flight PET scanner with 30 ps time resolution, capable to stand high magnetic fields and to be integrated in traditional MRI scanners.
The TT-PET scan can achieve its very precise timing thanks to SiGe amplifiers, which are embedded in monolithic silicon sensors, which substitute the traditional high density crystals.
The scanner...
A search for Strongly and Electroweakly produced SUSY in final states containing opposite sign dileptons, jets and large missing transverse momentum, using 35.9 fb-1 of proton-proton data collected with the CMS detector in 2016.
The analysis uses the invariant mass of the lepton pair, searching for a kinematic edge or a resonant-like excess compatible with the Z boson mass. The search for a...
We present a new method of spectroscopy, utilizing a drift effect to disperse charged particles in a uniformly curved magnetic field. The curved field results in a drift of the charged particles perpendicular to the radius of the curvature and to the magnetic field, which is proportional to the particle’s momentum. A spatial-resolving detector will determine the momentum spectra.
The first...
Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour relatively light third generation squarks, which are expected to be abundantly accessible at the LHC energies. Results of a search for the light supersymmetric top with the full 2015-2016 ATLAS dataset (36.1 fb$^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s} =\text{13 TeV}$) is presented. The search is focused on direct production of top-squark in events with two...
The SHiP experiment is a new fixed target experiment at CERN which aims to search for long living very weakly interacting particles. A prime example of these Hidden Particles are sterile neutrinos,
which might be produced in decays of charm and beauty hadrons.
To search them, high intensity beams are needed. The main experimental challenge is to keep a low background level. Background induced...
A search for supersymmetry in fully hadronic final states with large transverse momentum imbalance, as measured through the $M_{T2}$ variable, is presented. The results are obtained from pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. No excess above the standard model background has been observed and...
A novel laser based Transient Current Technique (TCT) to probe the charge transport properties of single crystalline Chemical Vapor Deposition (sCVD) diamond sensors will be presented. In this method the laser beam enters the diamond through a polished edge (hence Edge-TCT or E-TCT) and is focused inside the bulk at a known position. The dimensions of the focus point limit the size of the...
We exploit the large W production at LHC run-2 to perform the first ATLAS search for right-handed neutrinos in the mass range 3-30 GeV. We probe unexplored regions of mixing strengths in which right-handed neutrinos can explain neutrino masses and matter-antimatter asymmetry and feature decay lengths of 1-100mm, providing the striking signature of a displaced decay. The prompt lepton from the...
The Bern cyclotron, used for production of medical radioisotopes, also features a beam-line dedicated to physics research, a unique setup in Europe. An irradiation facility was established there for campaigns with 18 MeV protons. The energy spread is 2% over an adjustable beam size up to $2x2cm^2$. The beam current can be varied and monitored between $\sim1$ pA and 150 $\mu$A, whereas also the...
A search is presented for single production of a heavy vector-like quark (VLQ) B in its full-hadronic decay channel: $B \rightarrow bH(\bar{b}{b})$. Higgs-tagging methods and jet substructure techniques are employed to identify decay products of boosted Higgs boson and to discriminate signal-like events against multijet background. Signal sensitivity is also enhanced by the identification of...
The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is pioneering the application of solid state photo detectors for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Since October 2011, the FACT collaboration has successfully been showing the application and reliability of silicon photo multipliers (SiPMs) for earth-bound gamma-ray astronomy. FACT is an ideal instrument to monitor bright and variable TeV...