18–22 Sept 2017
University of Mumbai
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Leading twist GPDs and spin densities in a proton

Not scheduled
University of Mumbai

University of Mumbai

Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra India 400098


Dr Chandan Mondal (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


We evaluate both chirally even and odd generalized parton distributions(GPDs) in the leading twist in a recently proposed quark-diquark model for the proton where the light-front wavefunctions are constructed from the soft-wall AdS/QCD prediction. The GPDs in transverse impact parameter space give the spin densities for different quark and proton polarizations. For longitudinally polarized proton only chiral even GPDs contribute but for transversely polarized proton both chiral even and chiral odd GPDs contribute to the spin densities. We present a detail study of the spin densities in this model.


Dr Chandan Mondal (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Prof. Dipankar Chakrabarti (IIT Kanpur) Mr Tanmay Maji (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.)

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