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18–22 Sept 2017
University of Mumbai
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Sivers and $\cos(2\phi)$ asymmetries in $J/\psi$ production in SIDIS process

Not scheduled
University of Mumbai

University of Mumbai

Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra India 400098


Mr Rajesh Sangem (IIT Bombay) Asmita Mukherjee (IIT Bombay)


Gluon SIvers function (GSF) and Boer-Mulders function (BMF) have been receiving lot of interest both
theoretically and experimentally, as they provide the information about the spin nature of the hadron.
GSF describes the distribution of unpolarized gluons inside the transversely polarized proton. Gluon version
BMF represents the density of linearly polarized gluons inside an unpolarized hadron. However, the information about these
functions is not apprehended yet. GSF and BMFs can be extracted by measuring Sivers and $\cos(2\phi)$ asymmetries in $ep$ and $pp$ collision.
In order to advance in understanding about these obscure functions, we estimate Sivers and $\cos(2\phi)$ asymmetries in
$J/\psi$ production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic (SIDIS) process employing TMD factorization framework. NRQCD based color octet model is adopted
for calculation $J/\psi$ production rate. $J/\psi$ production in SIDIS process directly probes the GSF and BMFs. The estimated Sivers asymmetry
is negative and is in considerable agreement with COMPASS data at $z=1$. $\cos(2\phi)$ asymmetry is estimated as a function
of $p_T$ and Bjorken variable ($x_B$).

Primary author

Mr Rajesh Sangem (IIT Bombay)


Asmita Mukherjee (IIT Bombay)

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