The scope of this Value Engineering Review is to examine the design of the cooling and ventilation systems foreseen for the High Luminosity LHC project, the future upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider accelerator at CERN. The installation of the cooling and ventilation equipment is planned between 2021 and 2024.
The review committee is invited to assess the proposed technical choices with respect to the needs including the system availability, the status of the system integration as well as the preliminary installation schedule. A detailed resources analysis is beyond the scope of the review; however, comments of the credibility of the plan, also with respect to the available resource, are welcome.
A file with the technical information concerning the present status of the design will be provided to the panel members about one week before the review.
Following the close-out by the review chair, the committee is required to compile a short report with findings, comments and recommendations within one month. The report will be delivered to Mauro Nonis, EN-CV Group leader, and to Lucio Rossi, HL-LHC Project leader.
The members of the International Review Panel are: Giovanni Dell Orco (ITER, Chair), Peter Röllig (ILK Dresden), Ugo Rotundo (INFN), Maurice Ball (FNAL) and Jiri Nožička (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Michele Battistin (CERN) & Laurent Tavian (CERN) are the link persons for this review.