Requirements for run3&4: (I)
- Eva Dafonte Perez (CERN)
- Dario Barberis (Università e INFN Genova (IT))
Requirements for run3&4: (II)
- Eva Dafonte Perez (CERN)
- Dario Barberis (Università e INFN Genova (IT))
The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of the foreseen database needs related to accelerator operation in the coming years.
The ATLAS Distributed Computing (ADC) project delivers production tools and services for ATLAS offline activities such as data placement and data processing on the Grid. The system has been capable of sustaining with high efficiency the needed computing activities during the first and in the ongoing second run of LHC data taking.
Databases are a vital part of the whole ADC system. The Oracle...
In the future of ATLAS the event should be the atomic information for metadata. Events could be either from data or from Monte Carlo, and different "representation" of the event would be available to reflect the processing stage under consideration. Eg Raw, Analysis Object Data (AOD), or derived AOD. The metadata should carry the provenance information of the event, as well as the logical...
Conditions data are in general non-event data varying with time. A particular subset is critical for physics data processing (detector status and configuration, run information, detector calibration and alignment,…). Part of these data is used instead for monitoring of the detector.
Atlas has been using the COOL framework as a generic abstraction layer to deal with conditions data during Run1...
"The CMS experiment relies on Relational Databases to store essential data for the most important production operations. Several subsystems critical for data taking, data processing and daily operation have been designed and optimised for a Relational storage. Their variety in terms of architecture and complexity, and the specific needs of the experiment organisation has required the...
"The CMS experiment relies on Relational Databases to store essential data for the most important production operations. Several subsystems critical for data taking, data processing and daily operation have been designed and optimised for a Relational storage. Their variety in terms of architecture and complexity, and the specific needs of the experiment organisation has required the...