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HL-LHC WP13 BI Meeting #2 - Feb 2017

866/1-A04 (CERN)



Show room on map
Rhodri Jones (CERN)

Present: Ray, Rhod, Adriana, Christos, Thibaut, Enrico


Gas Jet Developments for HL-LHC (Ray)

  • Proposed non-invasive monitoring for parallel e-beam & proton beam profiling 
    • Hollow e-lens
    • Long Range Beam-Beam Compensator based on e-beam
  • Collaboration
    • HL-LHC UK - Cockcroft for gas jet development
      • 2 systems (proto/test bench in 2017 & installable device for LS2)
    • GSI
      • Luminescence monitoring
      • Feasibility report & optics design by mid 2017
  • 2 Techniques being investigated
    • Gas sheet
    • Gas pencil beam
  • Gas Type
    • N2 investigated so far but not preferred for LHC as its pumped by NEG & will saturate NEG over time
    • Looking to noble gases e.g. Neon an alternative
  • Simulation Challenges
    • Pressure range spans 11 orders of magnitude (10bar to 10-7mbar)
    • Geometric details range over 4-5 orders of magnitude
      • Nozzles from ~30 μm with transport over ~ 1 m
  • Simulation results
    • Addition of baffles before dump to limit backscattered molecules re-entering interaction chamber
    • Good agreement with experimental pressure measurements
  • Luminescence results
    • Clear indication of gas sheet observed but integration times very long
      • Main reason is limited current of e-beam (uA)
      • Currently being replaced (mA)

ACTION/Next Steps

  • Integration into SC solenoid for hollow e-beam (Ray & Adriana with MME)
  • Input on e-beam size & corresponding curtain size (Adriana)
  • Plans for future gas luminescence measurements (Ray & Rhodri to clarify with Cockcroft & GSI)


Lumi design for HL : Test Plans in 2017 (Enrico)

  • Prototype (quartz & air)
    • Cherenkov
    • Quartz probably only valid for low lumi IRs
    • In 2017 mainly to test high radiation dose dosimeters for RP in IR1
  • Geometry of TAXN for HL
    • Space greatly reduced between beampipes
    • Where is the neutral shower a maximum?


  • Where we can place a monitor?
    • Need to look in detail at TAXN design (Enrico)
  • How much of the neutral shower can be intercepted?
    • Look at effect of crossing angle (Enrico / Marcus)
  • TAXN design & simulations
    • To be scheduled for presentation in WP13 April/May meeting


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:30
      Status of Gas Jet Monitor (20' + 10') 30m
      Speaker: Raymond Veness (CERN)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Plans for Luminosity Monitor Testing in 2017 (20' +10') 30m
      Speaker: Enrico Bravin (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:15
      AOB 15m

      1) Follow-up of last meeting

      Speaker: Rhodri Jones (CERN)