During the Summer School there will be didactic seminars concerning frontier subjects in the field of Nuclear, Subnuclear and Particle Physics:
- How nuclear physics helps medicine to fight against diseases (Adriano Duatti - University of Ferrara)
- Dark matter and dark energy: the dark side of the universe (Sandro Bardelli - Astronomical Observatory of Bologna)
- Nuclear physics applied to the cultural heritage (Ferruccio Petrucci - University of Ferrara)
- Observing the universe with neutrinos (Giovanni Fiorentini - University of Ferrara)
Students will have the opportunity to visit:
- Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS): the LNGS are the underground laboratories of excellence in the International panorama for what concerns astroparticle Physics, neutrino physics and dark matter researches.
- TRIGA research reactor in Pavia: after more than forty years of operation, it is still at the disposal of public and private users for carrying out training, educational and research activities on nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry, activation analysis, nuclear physics, dosimetry.