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TH String Theory Seminar

Crossing symmetry in Alpha space

by Matthijs Hogervorst (Stony Brook)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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The conformal bootstrap program aims to catalog all conformal field theories (second-order phase transitions) in D dimensions. Despite its ambitious scope much progress has been made over the past decade, e.g. in computing critical exponents for the 3D O(N) models to high precision. At this stage, analytic methods to explore the CFT landscape are not as well developed. In this talk I will describe a new mathematical framework for the bootstrap known as "alpha space", which reduces crossing symmetry to a set of integral equations.

Based on arXiv:1702.08471 (with Balt van Rees) and arXiv:1703.08159.

There is a live webcast for this event