Juraj Sucik
29/10/2009, 16:00
Desktop Management
Windows 7, the next version of Windows OS, is scheduled to be available worldwide on 22 October 2009. CERN IT-IS group has been working with it ever since its beta release in January 2009. The purpose of this talk is to discuss this experience and to share the plans for deployment of Windows 7 at CERN.
Christopher Huhn
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
29/10/2009, 16:30
Desktop Management
The standard Linux desktops at GSI received their operating system via NFS and not from the local hard drive since the last millennium.
Since then this policy has been enhanced to work with shared read-only OS images that provide advanced security and fast OS deployment and upgrades. Image generation and configuration management of NFS-root desktops is completely integrated into our...
Alan Silverman
29/10/2009, 17:00
Desktop Management
We will review the Desktop Computing Support across some HEP sites.